vehicle wreck

Automobiles are important in America; we depend on them to get to and from places, such as work, school, and home. We cannot know what other people are going to do while they are on the road. As a result, vehicle wrecks happen, but what do you do if you are in a vehicle wreck?

If you are in a vehicle wreck, ordinarily you should get out of your vehicle; move to a safe distance from the crash site; remain at the scene; check to determine if anyone is hurt; contact police and other emergency personnel; get the contact, insurance, vehicle, and other information of other drivers, passengers, police officers, and other witnesses; and take notes and records of the scene via photography and other methods. Remember: Do not leave the crash scene. If you leave the scene prematurely, you could be charged with “hit-and-run.”

You also should contact your insurance provider. However, be careful with insurers.  If the wreck is not your fault and the insurer for the other driver offers you a settlement, know:  The settlement offer likely will benefit the other driver and his or her insurer more than you.  In addition, be careful what you tell the police.  Sometimes, people make statements or accept responsibility when they are not at fault.  Such statements can be considered an admission or apology, and what you say could be used against you later down the road.  So, do not lie, but be careful about what you say.  Make sure that what you say is accurate and truthful.

Moreover, think about hiring a lawyer; he or she can be a great ally and will do his or her best to get the outcome that benefits you the most.  You also should get medical treatment immediately, even though your injuries seem minor. In fact, although your injuries might seem minor and nonthreatening to you, your injuries actually might be major and more significant than you believe at first.  If you wait before getting treatment, the insurer may claim that the injury is not related to the wreck.

At the accident scene, stay calm and do not raise your voice or get angry at other drivers, emergency personnel, or anyone else present at the scene. Anger only complicates the situation and clouds people’s judgment.  Furthermore, document all your medical treatments and take detailed notes of every visit you make to physicians, physical therapists, and other healthcare professionals.  Do not minimize – or exaggerate – your injuries. For example, record the dates of your medical treatments, and accurately and completely describe any and all injuries, pain, and suffering you experience as a result of the wreck.

If you were in a vehicle wreck and sustained injuries as a result of the wreck, know: You have rights and legal remedies. For more information, contact Nashville Attorney Perry A. Craft.